Recipe Find - Spinach Feta Turkey Burgers

I've had this on my list of "need to make" for a long time.  They are tasty, easy and dee-lish!

Brought to you by my iPhone!
(The camera ran out of batteries at the exact moment The Cyclist & The Munchkin were chopping down our tree.  Fail.)

You will take some frozen spinach & thaw it out...

1lb of ground turkey.....

Some Feta cheese (Yum!)...

A slightly beaten egg....
(nice photo. not.)

...and throw them all together...

and moosh them up....

...and make some of these...

Check out those patty skilz.  
The Cyclist is the usual patty-maker, but he was not available.
Can you tell I'm proud of myself?
He didn't even re-do it when he got home.

You're going to grill that patty up...

and while it's cooking you can cut up your fixin's....

And Viola!  A super tasty dinner treat!

The whole recipe can be found here.

Here is a photo of the official finished product as made by Eat Live Run:
Photo:  Eat Live Run


By the way.
My posting skilz are apparently not as good as my patty skilz lately.
Can I blame it on my dead camera?
I have been hammering away my Ironman AZ photos...Ironmom deserves nothing but the best!
So, be looking for Ironman AZ, Disappearing Pumpkin Cookie Chews & more, soon!
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  1. Those turkey burgers look SO GOOD! Here's a fun vegetarian version... they are an all-around crowd pleaser!

    Hope you enjoy!


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