Savage Sprints @ Hot Italian 11/6/11

Ladies and Gent's, we had another night of Savage Sprinting at Hot Italian on Sunday night!

Let us start with shaky hands and pizza.
I am embarrassed to admit how many pizza pictures I took that looked like this...

...before The Cyclist came along and took this in one try. 
Yes, it is the same piece of pizza in both photos. 
Wow to that.

Anyway. Don't judge Hot Italian pizza by my blurry photo. 
The pizza is good, inexpensive and creative. 
And good (in case you didn't get that the first time).

I should really write a Yelp review for Hot Italian, 
so I'll try to do that next time.

Are you hungry yet?

The FRS rep was also in attendance, 
so there was a lot of this floating around...

The Cyclist, Slurpees in Spandex and I decided that this would be a winning combination of fueling for Savage Sprints....

You didn't think I'd forget to mention the beer did you? 
Of course Racer 5 was in attendance...

I love Hot Italian. I notice different stuff every time I'm there.
Which is a lot during Savage Sprints season.
Let's do another mini tour....

...sweet rims...

...the Fiat's were still in attendance... illy can lights....

....feel like a read? Take your pick....

OK! Let's get to the real reason for this post, SAVAGE SPRINTS!!!!

The end of the ladies finals....

Lisa T. took the crown and set a new women's record of 9.6! The best part is, she's not a cyclist. She's a soccer player!  Woot-woot! 
Good job Lisa!!

And the men's finals....Derek N. vs. The Cyclist.....

Derek is super fast!
The Cyclist managed to set a new men's record for this season.....

Good job Cyclist!

For still photos, check out these links...

Thank you for another great event!

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  1. "The Cyclist" is the man to beat when it comes to sprinting!

  2. Mr. Bestie, you should come race him!

  3. Wow I didn't realize racing was so big. I mean to have a place to go where they do this, it looks so fun!!

    1. Candi, where do you live? Cycling is pretty big and getting bigger, all over the country. I'd love to direct you to a pro event in your area if I can.


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